Featured Product

ADaM is a data mining toolkit

ADaM is a data mining toolkit designed for use with scientific and image data. It includes pattern recognition, image processing, optimization, and association rule mining capabilities.

Featured Project

Example of VISAGE data visualization

The primary goal of the VISAGE project is to facilitate more efficient Earth Science investigations via a tool that can provide visualization and analytic capabilities for diverse coincident datasets.


The Information Technology and Systems Center (ITSC) conducts multidisciplinary research at the University of Alabama in Huntsville in many facets of information technology. Basic and applied research is performed to develop new techniques and systems that ultimately solve real-world problems by the transfer of innovative technologies and knowledge. Students, faculty and research scientists are involved in all aspects of the center. ITSC serves as the focal point for UAH research endeavors in information technology and systems and provides leadership in applications of information technology for multiple disciplines and computational environments.