

Spyglass logo

The Spyglass tool is designed to help analysts explore very large collections of unstructured text documents. Spyglass uses a domain ontology to index documents and provides retrieval and visualization services based on the ontology and the resulting index. The ontology based approach allows...

The Waypoint Planning Tool enables scientists to develop flight plans

Airborne real time observations are a major component of NASA’s Earth Science research and satellite ground validation studies. For mission scientists, planning a research aircraft mission within the context of meeting the science objectives is a complex task because it requires real time...


Water Quality Data Collection Portal - Prototype

Access to clean drinking water is a cornerstone of community resilience and sustainability, and contaminated drinking water can expose people to a variety of pollutants and pathogens. This study investigates the effects of multiple stressors on groundwater quality in the Alabama Gulf Coast...

DHIS2 Interface

Researchers at UAH in collaboration with the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and NASA are working to improve malaria control decision making in sub-Saharan Africa by developing and deploying a technology for incorporating the latest NASA Earth observations for surface...

FCX showing a flight from GOES-R PLT Field Campaign

A key component of NASA’s Earth Observing System is its field experiments, for intensive observation of particular phenomena such as hurricanes, or for ground validation of satellite observations. These field experiments collect many datasets from a wide variety of satellite, airborne, and...

NGCHC Home Page

The Northern Gulf Coastal Hazards Collaboratory (NG-CHC), funded by the NSF Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR) Research Infrastructure Track II program, is using cyberinfrastructure to catalyze collaborative research and education and reduce risks to coastal....

Example of VISAGE data visualization

The primary goal of the VISAGE project is to facilitate more efficient Earth Science investigations via a tool that can provide visualization and analytic capabilities for diverse coincident datasets. The target user community is Earth scientists that require diverse measurements to help them...

Image of the ACE Project Website

The Arctic Collaborative Environment (ACE) is the Arctic focused project within the broader Partnering Earth Observations for People Living Environmentally (PEOPLE) initiative. The goal of the ACE Joint Capability Technology Demonstration (JCTD) is to enable local, regional, and international...

AES Web Interface

Automated Event Service (AES) is a prototype system being developed to methodically mine custom defined events in both reanalysis data sets of atmospheric general circulation models and observational data [1]. AES will enable researchers to specify their custom, numeric event criteria using a...