ITSC Represented at NASA's GOMI ROSES Closeout Workshop

Dr. Sara Graves, Director of UAH Information Technology & Systems Center, attended NASA’s Gulf of Mexico Initiative (GOMI) ROSES Closeout Workshop in New Orleans. The workshop was held on January 23 – 25, 2013 to present the results of the 48 projects funded by the ROSES 2008 A.28 and 2009 A.40 solicitations. Dr. Graves presented the Sediment Analysis Network for Decision Support (SANDS) a collaboration among ITSC and the Geological Survey of Alabama to generate enhanced imagery that depict suspended sediments resulting from selected hurricanes impacting the Gulf Coast. Both enhanced imagery and source data sets (Landsat and MODIS imagery in GeoTIFF for selected hurricane landfall events) are available from Global Hydrology Resource Center (GHRC), a NASA Earth science data center managed jointly by NASA MSFC and UAH ITSC.
