Introducing NASA's Near-real-time Processing Capability for Aqua AMSR-E

TitleIntroducing NASA's Near-real-time Processing Capability for Aqua AMSR-E
Publication TypePoster
Year of Publication2010
AuthorsRegner, K, Conover, H, Beaumont, B, Harrison, S, Jones, S
Secondary AuthorsLeon, A, Booker, L
Date Published10/2010
Conference LocationNASA A-Train Symposium
KeywordsLANCE near-real-time Aqua AMSR-E NASA
AbstractSponsored by NASA’s Earth Science Division, the Land Atmosphere Near real-time Capability for EOS, or LANCE, system comprises five processing elements, collocated with select EOSDIS data centers, that use optimized science algorithms to expedite processing of remotely sensed data and distribution to registered users. Climate research quality data products from Aqua’s AMSR-E (Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer for Earth Observing System) are generated at the SIPS (Science Investigator-led Processing System), with an average latency of 10 hours for swath products. With the implementation of LANCE at AMSR-E SIPS, these products, with noted limitations, are generated with an average latency of less than 3 hours. While not a substitute for research quality products, near real-time products are in high demand in fields such as numerical weather prediction and forecasting, monitoring of natural hazards, disaster relief, agriculture and homeland security. This poster focuses on the AMSR-E SIPS’ implementation of LANCE, characterizes the data with respect to the standard products, and provides information on how to obtain LANCE data.