The mobile app "TransplantPro" allows transplant professionals to connect to other transplant professionals. Most commonly used transplant calculators are built into this app. Additionally, the app provides information about the recent publications and news on various categories of...
Access to clean drinking water is a cornerstone of community resilience and sustainability, and contaminated drinking water can expose people to a variety of pollutants and pathogens. This study investigates the effects of multiple stressors on groundwater quality in the Alabama Gulf Coast...
Funded by UAHuntsville URII grant, “Mobile Application for Healthcare Providers in Transplant Care” project involves development of a collaborative environment and supporting mobile application for transplant professionals. The mobile application uses the collaborative environment as the...
Sequences of events resulting from the actions of human adversarial actors such as military forces or criminal organizations may appear to have random dynamics in time and space. Finding patterns in such sequences and using those patterns in order to anticipate and respond to the events can be...
The Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites (GOES) are in geosynchronous orbits that allow them to monitor a fixed spot on the Earth's surface. Data is transmitted and archived at fifteen minute intervals. This allows scientists to monitor and track weather conditions at up to 1 km...
Increasingly, decisions are being made based partially or entirely on models. These decisions may be quite important, with the potential of serious or unacceptable consequences if an incorrect decision is made. The models used to support the decisions may have been newly developed or modified...
Due to Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) actions, approximately 4,500 government positions and 15,000 contractor positions, concentrated in technical, logistical, and acquisition fields, will be moving to Huntsville Alabama over a five year period. Because of retirements, transfers, and job...
Unit-level combat models provide computational efficiency, with the result that they can simulate large scenarios in terms of geographic scope and size of military forces involved and are often able to execute much faster than real-time. However, existing unit-level combat models (such as...
The difficulty arises, of course, in selecting the two teams to play in the BCS Championship game. The BCS recognized that the media poll and the coaches' poll should be important components of the ranking system, but also recognized the emergence of computer rankings as reliable indicators of...
It is useful to have mathematical criteria for evaluating errors in map projections. The Chebyshev criterion for minimizing rms (root mean square) local scale factor errors for conformal maps has been useful in developing conformal map projections of continents. Any local error criterion will be...
The various primary systems of military aircraft and missiles (avionics, propulsion, sensors, and weapons) and the subsystems within them must exchange data in order to perform their functions. Integration testing for those systems and subsystems can be time-consuming, expensive, and difficult,...