The Modeling & Simulation (M&S) project has four main tasks: (1) Understand how modeling and simulation is used in systems engineering in general, and in particular, at MSFC. We are interviewing key systems engineering practitioners and managers at MSFC, examining NASA systems...
A simple question is how much stock one should hold on hand in anticipation of future need. Holding stock in inventory costs money, so a balance must be struck between the cost of inventory stock and the cost of unmet demand. The Inventory Analyst (IA) package has been successfully used and...
The difficulty arises, of course, in selecting the two teams to play in the BCS Championship game. The BCS recognized that the media poll and the coaches' poll should be important components of the ranking system, but also recognized the emergence of computer rankings as reliable indicators of...
It is useful to have mathematical criteria for evaluating errors in map projections. The Chebyshev criterion for minimizing rms (root mean square) local scale factor errors for conformal maps has been useful in developing conformal map projections of continents. Any local error criterion will be...