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Smith D. Near Real-time Distribution of ISS LIS Lightning Data Sinclair L. AGU 2018. 2018 .
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Stano G. Supporting Lightning Safety and Decision Support at the NASA Global Hydrology Resource Center Distributed Active Archive Center. In: Sinclair L, Raphael E, Harrison S, Peterson M, Goodman SJ IGARSS. IGARSS. ; 2020.
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Stano G. Near Real-Time Distribution of Land, Atmosphere Near real-time Capability for EOS (LANCE) ISS LIS Lightning Data available at the Global Hydrology Resource Center (GHRC) Distributed Active Archive Center (DAAC) Harrison S. AMS 2020. 2020 .
Stano GT. A new perspective on lightning observations. National Weather Association Newsletter,. 2019 .
Stano GT. Ongoing lightning activities at the Global Hydrology Resource Center. Annual GLM Science Meeting. 2019 .
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Stano GT. A New Look at Lightning - The Geostationary Lightning Mapper. University of Nebraska Earth and Atmospheric Science department Stout seminar series. 2019 .
Stano G. Near-Real Time Distribution of ISS LIS Lightning Data Available at the NASA Global Hydrology Resource Center (GHRC) Distributed Active Archive Center (DAAC) Sinclair L. AGU 2019. 2019 .
Tan A, Ramachandran R. Velocity Pertubations Analysis of the Spot 1 Ariane Rocket Fragmentation. Journal of the Astronautical Science. 2005 ;53:39-50.
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