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Petty M. Minimum Spanning Trees. Computer Science Department, CS 617 Design and Analysis of Algorithms, University of Alabama in Huntsville,. 2016 .
Petty M. Models and Simulations 101. University of Alabama in Huntsville Short Course. 2016 .
Petty MD. Modeling and Validation Challenges for Complex Systems. In: Engineering Emergence: A Modeling and Simulation Approach. Engineering Emergence: A Modeling and Simulation Approach. Boca Raton FL: CRC Press; 2019. pp. 199-216.
Petty M. Monte Carlo Simulations. Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department, Alabama Agricultural and Mechanical University,. 2016 .
Pham LB, Lynnes CS, Hegde M, Graves S, Ramachandran R, Maskey M, Keiser K. Earth Science Mining Web Services. AGU 2008 Fall Meeting. 2008 .
Plale B, Cao B. Generic Instrumentation for OPM-Driven Provenance Interoperability in the Geosciences. Journal of Future Generation Computer Systems. 2010 .
Plale B, Herath C, Ramachandran R. A Suitable Programming Model for e-Science Workflows?. 2nd International Conference on Distributed Event-Based Systems (DEBS 08). 2008 .
Plale B, Gannon D, Reed D, Graves S, Droegemeier K, Wilhelmson R, Ramamurthy M. Towards Dynamically Adaptive Weather Analysis and Forecasting in LEAD Sunderam VS, van Albada GD, Sloot PMA, Dongarra JJ. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Computational Science, Part II: ICCS 2005, DDDAS Workshop. 2005 ;3515:624-631.
Plale B, Vijayakumar N, Ramachandran R, Li X, Baltzer T. Real time Filtering and Mining of NEXRAD Streams for Mesoscale Forecast and Prediction. 87th AMS Annual Meeting. 2007 .
Plale B, Conover H. Instant Karma: Collecting Provenance for AMSR-E. In: AMSR-E Science Team Meeting. AMSR-E Science Team Meeting. Huntsville, AL; 2010.
Plale B, Ramachandran R, Tanner S. Capabilities of the LEAD Data Subsystem for Enhanced On-Demand Mesoscale Meteorology Research and Education. 22nd International Conference on Interactive Information Processing Systems (IIPS), 86th American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting. 2006 .
Raghavan R, Goodman SJ, Ramachandran R. Retrieval of Cloud Properties Using Lightning Observations from Space. American Geophysical Union Meeting. 1995 .
Ramachandran R, Conover H, Movva S, Graves SJ. Using ESML in a Semantic Web Approach for Improved Earth Science Data Usability. SCISW2003 Workshop. 2003 .
Ramachandran R, Conover H, Graves SJ, Keiser K. Data Mining: Atmospheric Science Case Study. In: NASA Workshop on Issues in the Application of Data Mining to Scientific Data. NASA Workshop on Issues in the Application of Data Mining to Scientific Data. University of Alabama in Huntsville, Huntsville, AL; 1999.
Ramachandran R, Raghavan R, Goodman SJ. Estimating Ice Water Content Using Observed Lightning. International Conference on Atmospheric Electricity. 1996 .
Ramachandran R, Graves S, Rushing J, Keiser K, Maskey M, Lin H, Conover H. ADaM Services: Scientific Data Mining in the Service Oriented Architecture Paradigm. In: Dubitsky W Data Mining Techniques in Grid Computing Environments. Data Mining Techniques in Grid Computing Environments. Wiley Publication; 2008.
Ramachandran R, Li X, Movva S, Graves SJ. A Simple and Efficient Feature Extraction Algorithm for Geophysical Phenomena. IEEE International Geoscience & Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS '06) and 27th Canadian Symposium Remote Sensing. 2006 ;1:5-8.
Ramachandran R, Movva S, Berendes T, Maskey M, Chidambaram C, Hogan P, Gaskin T. GLIDER: Free Tool Imagery Data Visualization, Analysis and Mining. In: American Geophysical Union. American Geophysical Union. San Francisco, CA; 2009. Available from:
Ramachandran R, Rushing J, Lin A, Kuo K-S, Clune T. Polaris: A Discovery Engine for Big Data. IGARSS. 2013 .
Ramachandran R. Visualize and Analyze MODIS Imagery using GLIDER Tool. In: AGU Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting. AGU Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting. National Taiwan University, Taiwan; 2010.
Ramachandran R, Li X, Movva S, Graves S, Zavodsky B, Lazarus S, Splitt M, Lueken M. An Improved Data Reduction Tool in Support of the Real-Time Assimilation of NASA Satellite Data Streams. AMS Annual Meeting. 2007 .
Ramachandran R, Conover H, Regner K, Movva S, Goodman M, Plale B, Purohit P, Sun Y. Applying the Karma Provenance tool to NASA’s AMSR-E data production stream. In: American Geophysical Union. American Geophysical Union. San Francisco, CA; 2010.
Ramachandran R, Criswell E, Movva S, Rushing J, Graves S. Coupling Data Mining with Cellular Automata to Model Dynamic Phenomena. Huntsville Simulation Conference. 2003 .
Ramachandran R, Li X, Graves SJ, Clark R, Fitzgerald D. PEA: Phenomena Extraction Algorithm. In: 22nd International Conference on Interactive Information Processing Systems (IIPS), 86th American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting. 22nd International Conference on Interactive Information Processing Systems (IIPS), 86th American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting. Atlanta, GA; 2006.
Ramachandran R, Conover H. Emergent Science: Accelerating the scientific process via simple collaborative interactions. In: Geological Society of America Annual Meeting. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting. Denver, CO; 2010.
