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Whitaker TS, Bland JA, Cantrell WA, Mayfield KP, Petty MD. Tools for Simulating and Visualizing Petri Nets. 2018 AlaSim International Conference and Exposition. 2018 :88-109.
Ramachandran R, Maskey M, Kulkarni A, Conover H, Nair US, Movva S. Talkoot: Software Tool to Create Collaboratories for Earth Science. Earth Science Informatics. 2012 ;5(1).
Hoy H, Alexander S, Maskey M. Technology for the Transplant Professional: Making it work for you instead of against you. In: NATCO Symposium for Advanced Transplant Professionals. NATCO Symposium for Advanced Transplant Professionals. Miami, FL; 2012.
Wilson BD, Ramachandran R, Lynnes C. Talkoot Portals: Discover, Tag, Share, and Reuse Collaborative Science Workflows. In: American Geophysical Union. American Geophysical Union. San Francisco, CA; 2009. Available from:
Ramachandran R, Movva S, Conover H, Lynnes C. Talkoot Software Appliance for Collaborative Science. In: IEEE International Geoscience & Remote Sensing Symposium. IEEE International Geoscience & Remote Sensing Symposium. Cape Town, South Africa; 2009.
Graves S, Conover H, Jones S, Hardin D, Harrison S, Drewry M, Nair M, Goodman M, Blakeslee R. A Ten Year Record of Space Based Lightning Measurements. In: American Geophysical Union. American Geophysical Union. San Francisco, CA; 2009. Available from:
Plale B, Gannon D, Reed D, Graves S, Droegemeier K, Wilhelmson R, Ramamurthy M. Towards Dynamically Adaptive Weather Analysis and Forecasting in LEAD Sunderam VS, van Albada GD, Sloot PMA, Dongarra JJ. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Computational Science, Part II: ICCS 2005, DDDAS Workshop. 2005 ;3515:624-631.
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Hinke T, Rushing J, Ranganath HS, Graves SJ. Techniques and Experience in Mining Remotely Sensed Satellite Data. Artificial Intelligence Review: Issues on the Application of Data Mining. 2000 ;14:pp 503-531.
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Goodman SJ, Raghavan R, Ramachandran R, Buechler D. Total Lightning and Radar Storm Characteristics Associated with Severe Storms in Central Florida. 9th Conference on Severe Storms. 1998 .
Hinke T, Rushing J, Ranganath HS, Graves SJ. Target-Independent Mining for Scientific Data: Capturing Transients and Trends for Phenomena Mining. Third International Conference on Data Mining (KDD-97). 1997 .
Hinke T, Newman T. A Taxonomy for Integrating Data Mining and Visualization. KDD-VIS97 Workshop Book for Workshop on Issues in the Integration of Data Mining and Data Visualization (book in press). 1997 .
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