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. Transfer of WYKO TOP02/3D Binary Data Files Using Serial Communications. 1996 Center of Applied Optics Research Report published by the University of Alabama in Huntsville; 1996.
. V0 IMS Server Cookbook. UAH Information Technology and Systems Center, Huntsville, AL for NASA GSFC, Greenbelt, MD; 1996.
. Wizard: A Database Inference Analysis and Detection System. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering. 1996 ;Vol. 6.
. A Fast Algorithm for Detecting Second Paths in Database Inference Analysis. Journal of Computer Security. 1995 ;Vol. 3:pp. 147-168.
. Modeling Trusted Processing Architectures. Journal of Computing and Information Technology. 1995 ;Vol. 3:pp. 67-82.
. Observations of Mixed-phase Precipitation Within a CaPE Thunderstorm. Conference on Cloud Physics. 1995 .
. Retrieval of Cloud Properties Using Lightning Observations from Space. American Geophysical Union Meeting. 1995 .
. A Counterpropagation Neural Network for Determining Target Spacecraft Orientation. In: The IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence/IEEE Conference on Neural Networks. The IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence/IEEE Conference on Neural Networks. Orlando, Florida; 1994.
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. AI Research and Application Development at Boeing's Huntsville Labs. AI Magazine. 1993 ;Volume 14.
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. The Use of High Fidelity CAD Models as the Basis for Training on Complex Systems. In: Conference on Intelligent Computer-Aided Training and Virtual Environment Technology. Conference on Intelligent Computer-Aided Training and Virtual Environment Technology. Houston, Texas; 1993.
. The Use of Virtual Reality at Boeing's Huntsville Laboratories. In: IEEE Virtual Reality Annual International Symposium. IEEE Virtual Reality Annual International Symposium. Seattle, Washington; 1993.
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. Managing and Accessing Data and Information Within EOSDIS. In: AIAA Space Programs and Technologies Conference. AIAA Space Programs and Technologies Conference. Huntsville, AL; 1992.
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. The Placement of Equipment in the Space Station Freedom Using Constraint Based Reasoning. In: The World Congress on Expert Systems. The World Congress on Expert Systems. Orlando, Florida; 1991.
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. AMS: An Intelligent Interface for Ad Hoc Queries. Oracle International User Week. 1990 .
. Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Modeling Database User Behavior. The Fifth Conference on Artificial Intelligence for Space Applications. 1990 .