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Keiser K, Conover H, Hawkins L, Beaumont B, He M, Drewry M, Nair M. DISCOVER: A Service Oriented Approach to Managing Earth Science Data Across Distributed Project-specific Repositories. AGU 2008 Fall Meeting. 2008 .
Raskin R, Burrows H, Conover H, Gallagher J, Major GR, Rhyne T. Discovering and Accessing Data from the Federation of Earth Science Information Partners. Eos, Transactions, AGU. 2002 ;Vol. 83.
Graves SJ, Conover H, Keiser K. DISCOVERing Online Data and Services. NASA Earth Science Technology Conference. 2004 .
Govindaiah S, Petty MD. A discrete event simulation-based multi-objective reinforcement learning reward function for optimizing manufacturing material handling. 2019 Simulation Innovation Workshop. 2019 .
Tanner S, Bradshaw T. Distributed Architecture Design Environment. Technical and Business Exhibition and Symposium. 1986 .
Graves S, Ramachandran R, Movva S, Conover H, Fox P, McGuinness D. A Distributed Knowledge Extraction Framework Based on Semantic Web Services. AISR NASA Investigator Workshop. 2008 .
Keiser K, Ramachandran R, Rushing J, Conover H, Graves SJ. Distributed Services Technology for Earth Science Data Processing. American Meteorological Society's (AMS) 19th International Conference on Interactive Information Processing Systems (IIPS) for Meteorology, Oceanography, and Hydrology. 2003 .
Keiser K, Conover H, Graves SJ, He Y, Regner K, Smith M. Distributed Technologies in a Data Pool. In: American Geophysical Union 2004 Fall Meeting. American Geophysical Union 2004 Fall Meeting. San Francisco, CA; 2004.
Sinclair L. Dizzy the Disdrometer Smith T. AGU 2018. 2018 .
Weigel A. Drowning in Data: Going Beyond Traditional Data Archival to Educate Data Users Smith T, Smith D, Bugbee K, Sinclair L. American Geophysical Union 2017 Fall Meeting. 2017 .
Vijayakumar NN, Plale B, Ramachandran R, Li X. Dynamic Filtering and Mining Triggers in Mesoscale Meteorology Forecasting. IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS '06) and 27th Canadian Symposium Remote Sensing. 2006 .
Zhu F, Kulkarni A. DynamicSD: Discover Dynamic and Uncertain Services in Pervasive Computing Environments. In: IEEE International Conference on Computer Communication Networks. IEEE International Conference on Computer Communication Networks. ; 2011.
Fitzgerald D, Ramachandran R, Domenic, Clark R, Baltzer T, Chiao, Burge, Li. EarlyLEAD: A Non-Grid Application of LEAD Capability. In: LEAD NSF Site Review. LEAD NSF Site Review. University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign; 2005.
Clark RD, Fitzgerald D, Baltzer T, Joseph E, Ramachandran R. EarlyLEAD: A WRF ensemble demonstrating LEAD's data mining capability. 22nd International Conference on Interactive Information Processing Systems (IIPS), 86th American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting. 2006 .
Weigel A. Earth Science Data Education through Cooking Up Recipes. American Geophysical Union 2016 Fall Meeting. 2016 .
He Y, Ramachandran R, Nair US, Keiser K, Conover H, Graves SJ. Earth Science Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Framework. SIAM International Conference on Data Mining. 2002 .
Ramachandran R, Alshayeb M, Beaumont B, Conover H, Graves SJ, Hanish N, Li X, Movva S, McDowell A, Smith M. Earth Science Markup Language. 81st American Meteorological Society (AMS) Annual Meeting, 17th Conference on Interactive Information and Processing Systems for Meteorology, Oceanography, and Hydrology. 2001 .
Ramachandran R, Alshayeb M, Beaumont B, Conover H, Graves SJ, Li X, Movva S, McDowell A, Smith M. Earth Science Markup Language: A Solution for Generic Access to Heterogeneous Data Sets. NASA Earth Science Technology Conference. 2001 .
Ramachandran R, Christopher SA, Movva S, Li X, Conover HT, Keiser KR, Graves SJ, McNider RT. Earth Science Markup Language: A Solution to Address Data Format Heterogeneity Problems in Atmospheric Sciences. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. 2005 .
Ramachandran R, Conover H, Graves SJ, Christopher SA. Earth Science Markup Language: A Solution to the Earth Science Data Format Heterogeneity Problem. American Meteorological Society's (AMS) 19th International Conference on Interactive Information Processing Systems (IIPS) for Meteorology, Oceanography, and Hydrology. 2003 .
Ramachandran R, Conover H, Graves S. Earth Science Markup Language: An Overview. Eos, Transactions, AGU. 2002 ;83.
Ramachandran R, Conover H, Graves S, Keiser K. Earth Science Markup Language: An update. NASA Earth Science Technology Conference. 2002 .
Ramachandran R, Graves S, Conover H, Moe K. Earth Science Markup Language (ESML): a solution for scientific data-application interoperability problem. Computers & Geosciences [Internet]. 2004 ;30:117-124. Available from:
Ramachandran R. Earth Science Markup Language Tutorial. In: Earth Science Federation Meeting. Earth Science Federation Meeting. Boulder, Colorado; 2003.
Pham LB, Lynnes CS, Hegde M, Graves S, Ramachandran R, Maskey M, Keiser K. Earth Science Mining Web Services. AGU 2008 Fall Meeting. 2008 .
