Found 520 results
Conference Paper
Nair US, Christopher SA, Keiser K. Satellite Data Driven Modeling System for Predicting Air Quality and Visibility During Wildfires and Prescribed Burn Events. In: NASA Applied Science Program Gulf of Mexico Region Workshop. NASA Applied Science Program Gulf of Mexico Region Workshop. New Orleans, LA; 2010.
Li X, Christopher SA, Chou J, Welch R. Satellite Remote Sensing of the 1998 Central American Fires. In: American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall meeting. American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall meeting. San Francisco; 1999.
A. Harris T, Maskey M, Ramachandran R. Seamless online science workflow development and collaboration using IDL and ENVI Service Engine. In: AGU. AGU. San Francisco, CA: AGU; 2013.
Jungwirth P. Security Tag Computation and Propagation in OSFA. In: Chan P, Imsand E, Badawy H SPIE Defense + Security Conference. SPIE Defense + Security Conference. Orlando, FL: SPIE Defense + Security Conference; 2018.
Maskey M, Hardin D, Ramachandran R, Graves S. A Semantic Approach for Knowledge Discovery to Help Mitigate Habitat Loss in the Gulf of Mexico. In: American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall meeting. American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall meeting. San Francisco, CA; 2008.
Li M, Lin H, Rushing J, Graves SJ. Sensor networks and network sensibility. In: SPIE Defense and Security Symposium 2007. SPIE Defense and Security Symposium 2007. Orlando, FL; 2007.
Hardin D, Graves SJ, Irwin D, Sever T. SERVIR: A Regional Monitoring and Decision Support System for Mesoamerica. In: Joint Assembly of the American Geophysical Union. Joint Assembly of the American Geophysical Union. Fort Lauderdale, FL; 2008.
Graves SJ, Hardin D, Irwin D, Sever T. Short Term Weather forecasting and Long Term Climate Predictions for Mesoamerica. In: Joint Assembly of the American Geophysical Union. Joint Assembly of the American Geophysical Union. Fort Lauderdale, FL; 2008.
Irwin D, Sever T, Hardin D, Graves SJ. SIAM-SERVIR: An Environmental Monitoring Decision Support System for Mesoamerica. In: Monitoring Science and Technology Symposium: Unifying Knowledge for Sustainability in the Western Hemisphere. Monitoring Science and Technology Symposium: Unifying Knowledge for Sustainability in the Western Hemisphere. ; 2004.
Rushing J, Berendes T, Lin H, Buntain C, Graves S. Spyglass: A System for Ontology Based Document Retrieval and Visualization. In: The 22nd International FLAIRS Conference. The 22nd International FLAIRS Conference. Sanibel Island, FL; 2009. Available from:
Graves SJ. A Status Report on the Earth Observing System Data and Information System. In: AIAA Standards for Space Based Systems. AIAA Standards for Space Based Systems. Monterey, California; 1991.
Li X, Ramachandran R, Movva S, Graves SJ, Plale B, Vijayakumar N. Storm Clustering for Data-driven Weather Forecasting. In: AMS Annual Meeting, 24th International Conference on Interactive Information Processing Systems (IIPS) for Meteorology, Oceanography, and Hydrology. AMS Annual Meeting, 24th International Conference on Interactive Information Processing Systems (IIPS) for Meteorology, Oceanography, and Hydrology. New Orleans, LA; 2008.
Graves SJ, Shah BH. A Study of Parallel Processing on the CRAY X-MP. In: Association for Computer Machinery 25th Southeast Region Conference. Association for Computer Machinery 25th Southeast Region Conference. ; 1987.
Smith M, Beaumont B, Conover H, Goodman M, Graves SJ. Subsetting AMSR-E Data. In: AGU Annual Meeting. AGU Annual Meeting. San Francisco, CA; 2003.
Graves SJ. Supporting Decision Support With Event-Driven Data Delivery. In: Keiser K, Maskey M, McEniry M American Meteorological Society (AMS). American Meteorological Society (AMS). Atlanta, GA: AMS; 2014.
Stano G. Supporting Lightning Safety and Decision Support at the NASA Global Hydrology Resource Center Distributed Active Archive Center. In: Sinclair L, Raphael E, Harrison S, Peterson M, Goodman SJ IGARSS. IGARSS. ; 2020.
Goodman M, Blakeslee R, Graves S, Hardin D, He M, Conover H. A Survey of NASA's Tropical Atmospheric Research Field Campaigns. In: American Geophysical Union. American Geophysical Union. San Francisco, CA; 2009. Available from:
Wilson BD, Ramachandran R, Lynnes C. Talkoot Portals: Discover, Tag, Share, and Reuse Collaborative Science Workflows. In: American Geophysical Union. American Geophysical Union. San Francisco, CA; 2009. Available from:
Ramachandran R, Movva S, Conover H, Lynnes C. Talkoot Software Appliance for Collaborative Science. In: IEEE International Geoscience & Remote Sensing Symposium. IEEE International Geoscience & Remote Sensing Symposium. Cape Town, South Africa; 2009.
Bradford R, Sandi Redman. Technology for NASA Space-based Science Operations Grid. In: Internet2 Members Meeting, Advanced Applications Track Session. Internet2 Members Meeting, Advanced Applications Track Session. ; 2003.
Hoy H, Alexander S, Maskey M. Technology for the Transplant Professional: Making it work for you instead of against you. In: NATCO Symposium for Advanced Transplant Professionals. NATCO Symposium for Advanced Transplant Professionals. Miami, FL; 2012.
Graves S, Conover H, Jones S, Hardin D, Harrison S, Drewry M, Nair M, Goodman M, Blakeslee R. A Ten Year Record of Space Based Lightning Measurements. In: American Geophysical Union. American Geophysical Union. San Francisco, CA; 2009. Available from:
Lapenta WM, Wohlman R, Bradshaw T, Burks J, Jedlovec GJ, Goodman SJ, Darden C, Meyer PJ. Transition from Research to Operations: Assessing Value of Experimental Forecast Products within the NWSFO Environment. In: 20th Conference on Weather Analysis. 20th Conference on Weather Analysis. Seattle, WA; 2004.
Sandi Redman. UAH Grids Center Middleware Testing. In: NMI Results Workshop. NMI Results Workshop. Washington DC; 2003.
Zhu F, Carpenter S, Kulkarni A, Chidambaram C, Pathak S. Understanding and Minimizing Identity Exposure in Ubiquitous Computing Environments. In: Proceedings of the 2009 International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing, Networking and Services (Mobiquitous 2009). Proceedings of the 2009 International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing, Networking and Services (Mobiquitous 2009). ; 2009.
