GLIDER: A Platform for Remote Sensing Data Visualization/Fusion/Analysis

TitleGLIDER: A Platform for Remote Sensing Data Visualization/Fusion/Analysis
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2012
AuthorsBerendes, T, Tanner, S, Graves, S
Conference NameHyperspectral & Polarimetric Community Collaboration Workshop
Date Published18-20 July 2012
Conference LocationHuntsville, AL
Keywordsimage processing
AbstractThe Globally Leveraged Integrated Data Explorer for Research (GLIDER) was developed by the Information Technology and Systems Center at the University of Alabama in Huntsville as a general purpose remote sensing data visualization tool that support multi-sensor data fusion, image processing, and advanced data mining techniques. The presentation will highlight some of the ways in which GLIDER is being used in projects funded by NASA, DOE and DoD.