SCOOP Data Management: A Standards-based Distributed Information System for Coastal Data Management

TitleSCOOP Data Management: A Standards-based Distributed Information System for Coastal Data Management
Publication TypeBook Chapter
Year of Publication2010
AuthorsConover, H, Drewry, M, Graves, S, Keiser, K, Maskey, M, Smith, M, Bogden, P, Bermudez, L, Bintz, J
EditorDi, L, Ramapriyan, HK
Book TitleStandards-Based Data and Information Systems for Earth Observation
Project NameLecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography
ISBN Number978-3-540-88263-3
AbstractThe Southeastern Universities Research Association (SURA) Coastal Ocean Observing and Prediction (SCOOP – program is a SURA Coastal Research initiative that is deploying cutting edge IT to advance the science of environmental prediction and hazard planning for our nation’s coasts. SCOOP is intended as a working prototype infrastructure to serve as a model for a distributed Integrated Ocean Observing System (IOOS) in the southeastern region (Bogden and Graves 2005). IOOS is a national initiative to create a new system for collecting and disseminating information about the oceans. The system will support a variety of practical applications, along with enabling research.