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Graves S, Keiser K, Maskey M. Global Hydrology Resource Center (GHRC). In: EarthCube All Hands Meeting. EarthCube All Hands Meeting. Arlington, VA: EarthCube; 2015.
Graves SJ. Machine Learning by Discovery: A Heuristical Approach. NASA Graduate Researchers Program, Final Report, UAH Contract No. 88-122; 1989.
Graves SJ. Supporting Decision Support With Event-Driven Data Delivery. In: Keiser K, Maskey M, McEniry M American Meteorological Society (AMS). American Meteorological Society (AMS). Atlanta, GA: AMS; 2014.
Graves S, Ramachandran R, Keiser K, Maskey M, Lynnes C, Pham L. Deployable Suite of Data Mining Web Services for Online Science Data Repositories. 87th AMS Annual Meeting. 2007 .
Graves SJ. Heterogeneity and Evolution in Earth Science Data Systems and Services. In: Second New DISS Meeting. Second New DISS Meeting. Washington, D.C.; 1999.
Graves SJ. Data Mining on A Bioinformatics Grid. In: SURA BioGrid Workshop. SURA BioGrid Workshop. Raleigh, N.C.; 2003.
Graves SJ, Hardin D, Sever T, Irwin D. Visualizing Earth Science Data for Environmental Monitoring and Decision Support in Mesoamerica: The SERVIR Project. In: 1st International Workshop on Geographic Hypermedia. 1st International Workshop on Geographic Hypermedia. Denver, CO; 2005.
Graves SJ, Conover H, Kulkarni A, Maskey M, Caron B, Landsfield M, Ramachandran R. Science on Drupal - ESIP. ESIP 2015 Winter Meeting [Internet]. 2015 . Available from:
Graves SJ, Tanner S. Mapping Technologies and Innovative Applications for Emergency Operations. In: National Institute for Urban Search and Rescue (NIUSR) Fall 2001 International Conference and Exhibition. National Institute for Urban Search and Rescue (NIUSR) Fall 2001 International Conference and Exhibition. ; 2001.
Graves S, Ramachandran R, Maskey M, Keiser K, Lynnes C, Pham L. Mining Scientific Data using Internet as the Computer. IEEE International Geoscience & Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS '08). 2008 .
Graves S, Harper S, Maskey M, Twilley R, McAnnaly B. A Collaborative Environment for the Northern Gulf Coastal Hazards Collaboratory. Northern Gulf Institute. 2011 .
Graves SJ. An Integration of a Disciplined Programming Environment into Computer Assisted Instruction. In: IEEE Rocket City Seminar. IEEE Rocket City Seminar. ; 1982. pp. 74-90.
Graves SJ. Managing and Accessing Data and Information Within EOSDIS. In: AIAA Space Programs and Technologies Conference. AIAA Space Programs and Technologies Conference. Huntsville, AL; 1992.
Graves SJ. Creating an Environment for Scientific Data Mining. The Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) - Third Workshop on Mining Scientific Datasets. 2001 .
Graves S, Keiser K, Conover H, Ramachandran R, Maskey M, Kulkarni A. Event-Driven Data Delivery (ED3) Technologies for Severe Weather Research, GHRC Innovations: Moving Technology from Research to Production. ESIP 2014 Winter Meeting [Internet]. 2014 . Available from:
Graves SJ, Williams SF, McCain LA. The Use of PC/AT Version ORACLE in Managing Satellite Meteorological Field Program Data. Fifth International Conference on Interactive Information and Processing Systems for Meteorology, Oceanography, and Hydrology. 1989 :pp. 184-188.
Graves SJ, Rahimian E. A Relational Data-Knowledge Base System and It's Potential in Developing a Distributed Data-Knowledge System. In: Conference on Artificial Intelligence for Space Applications. Conference on Artificial Intelligence for Space Applications. Huntsville, Alabama.; 1986. pp. p. 7-16.
Graves S, Li X, Ramachandran R, Lyatsky W, Tan A. An Interoperable Framework for Mining and Analysis of Space Science Data (F-MASS). NASA AISRP Workshop. 2003 .
Graves SJ, Li X, Keiser K, Smith DK. Building a Climatology for Mountain Gap Wind Jets and Related Coastal Upwelling. In: Super Computer 2012 Climate Knowledge Discovery Workshop. Super Computer 2012 Climate Knowledge Discovery Workshop. ; 2012.
Graves SJ, Keiser K, Conover H, Tanner S, Ramachandran R. An Interoperable Environment for Geospatial Data. 2003 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS). 2003 .
Graves S, Conover H, Jones S, Hardin D, Harrison S, Drewry M, Nair M, Goodman M, Blakeslee R. A Ten Year Record of Space Based Lightning Measurements. In: American Geophysical Union. American Geophysical Union. San Francisco, CA; 2009. Available from:
Graves S. Applying Advanced Technologies for GeoInt Solutions. Geo-Energy Summit. 2014 .
Graves SJ. Information Technology Research Center of the National Space Science and Technology Center. In: Technical and Business Exhibition and Symposium (TABES 2000). Technical and Business Exhibition and Symposium (TABES 2000). Huntsville, AL; 2000.
Graves SJ, Hinke T, Kansal S. Metadata: The Golden Nuggets of Data Mining. In: First IEEE Metadata Conference. First IEEE Metadata Conference. Bethesda, Maryland; 1996.
Graves SJ, Goodloe M. Improving Performance of an Electrical Power Expert System with Genetic Algorithms. In: First International Conference on Industrial and Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems. First International Conference on Industrial and Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems. University of Tennessee Space Institute, Tullahoma, Tennessee; 1988. pp. pp. 298-305.
