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Conover H, Graves SJ, Keiser K, Pearson C, Ramachandran R. A Next Generation Information System for Earth Science Data. International Symposium on Optical Science, Engineering and Instrumentation (SPIE) 44th Annual Meeting and Exhibition. 1999 .
Conover H, Berthiau G, Botts M, Goodman M, Li X, Lu Y, Maskey M, Regner K, Zavodsky B. Using Sensor Web Protocols for Environmental Data Acquisition and Management. Ecological Informatics. 2010 ;5(1):32-41.
Criswell E, Rushing J, Lin H, Graves SJ. Architecture for an integrated real-time air combat and sensor network simulation. In: SPIE Defense and Security Symposium 2007. SPIE Defense and Security Symposium 2007. Orlando, FL; 2007.
Daniels M, Graves S, Kerkez B. CHORDS: Integrating Real-Time Geoscience Data into the EarthCube Framework. In: EarthCube All Hands Meeting. EarthCube All Hands Meeting. Arlington, VA: EarthCube; 2015.
Daniels M, Martin C, Dye M, Keiser K. CHORDS Building Block. In: EarthCube Tech Hands Meeting. EarthCube Tech Hands Meeting. La Jolla, CA: EarthCube; 2015.
Daniels M, Graves S, Kerkez B, al. et. CHORDS: A pilot project for integrating real-time data into the EarthCube framework. In: EarthCube All Hands Meeting. EarthCube All Hands Meeting. Arlington, VA: EarthCube; 2015.
Delugach HS, Hinke T. Wizard: A Database Inference Analysis and Detection System. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering. 1996 ;Vol. 6.
Demir I, Conover H, Krajewski W, Seo BC, Goska R, He Y, McEniry M, Graves S, Petersen W. Data Enabled Field Experiment Planning, Management, and Research using Cyberinfrastructure. Journal of Hydrometeorology [Internet]. 2015 ;16(3):1155-1170. Available from:
Detwiler A, Ramachandran R, Smith P. Observations of Electrification in CaPE Thunderstorms. In: 17th Conference on Severe Local Storms. 17th Conference on Severe Local Storms. St. Louis; 1993.
Drewry M, Conover H, Graves SJ, Goodman SJ. A New Perspective on EOSDIS Data Management: The LIS SCF. In: American Meteorological Society (AMS) 13th International Conference on Interactive Information and Processing Systems (IIPS) for Meteorology, Oceanography, and Hydrology. American Meteorological Society (AMS) 13th International Conference on Interactive Information and Processing Systems (IIPS) for Meteorology, Oceanography, and Hydrology. ; 1997.
Drewry M, Conover H, McCoy S, Graves SJ. Metadata: Quality vs. Quantity. In: The Second IEEE Metadata Conference. The Second IEEE Metadata Conference. Silver Spring, Maryland; 1997.
Droegemeier K, Chandrasekar V, Clark RD, Gannon D, Graves S, Joseph E, Ramamurthy MK, Wilhelmson RB, Brewster K, Domenico B, et al. The National Forum for Geosciences Information Technology (“FIGIT”). Joint Session on Cyberinfrastructure to support atmospheric and Oceanic Education: Examples and strategies, AMS Annual Meeting. 2005 .
Droegemeier KK, Gannon D, Reed D, Plale B, Alameda J, Baltzer T, Brewster K, Clark R, Domenico B, Graves S, et al. Service-Oriented Environments in Research and Education for Dynamically Interacting with Mesoscale Weather. IEEE Computing in Science & Engineering. 2005 ;7:24-32.
Droegemeier KK, Chandrasekhar A, Clark R, Gannon D, Graves SJ, Joseph E, Ramamurthy M, Wilhelmson R, Brewster K, Domenico B, et al. Linked Environments for Atmospheric Discovery (LEAD): Architecture, Technology Roadmap and Deployment Strategy. AMS Annual Meeting; 21st International Conference on Interactive Information Processing Systems (IIPS) for Meteorology, Oceanography, and Hydrology; 14th Symposium on Education. 2005 .
Droegemeier K, Chandrasekar V, Clark R, Gannon D, Graves S, Joseph E, Ramamurthy M, Wilhelmson R, Brewster K, Domenico B, et al. Linked Environment for Atmospheric Discovery (LEAD): A Cyberinfrastructure for Mesocyclone Meteorology Research and Education. AMS Annual Meeting; 20th International Conference on Interactive Information Processing Systems (IIPS) for Meteorology, Oceanography, and Hydrology. 2004 .
Duvall A, Ramachandran R. Intercomparison of candidate methods for mineral dust aerosol classification using MODIS infrared and visible channels. In: 17th International Conference on Geoinformatics. 17th International Conference on Geoinformatics. Fairfax, VA; 2009. Available from:
Anon. On-Board Data Mining. In: Scientific Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery. Vol. X. Scientific Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery. Springer; 2009. pp. p. 345-376. Available from:
Gannon D, Plale B, Christie M, Marru S, Kandaswamy G, Fang L, Huang Y, Lee-Palickara S, Jenson S, Liu N, et al. The LEAD Science Portal Problem Solving Environment. 87th AMS Annual Meeting. 2007 .
Garg V, Movva S, Maskey M, Ramachandran R. Extending a mass market tool to build collaborative portals in Geosciences. Cloud Computing and Collaborative Technologies in Geosciences. 2009 .
