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Hardin D, Keiser K, Conover H, Graves S. An Information Infrastructure for Coastal Models and Data. AGU 2007 Fall Meeting. 2007 .
Harper S, Graves S, Almes G, Creager G, Hardin D, Ramachandran R, Keiser K, Conover H. Cyberinfrastructure-enabled Collaborative Coastal Research. In: Internet2 Fall Member Meeting. Internet2 Fall Member Meeting. New Orleans, LA; 2008.
Harper S, Graves S, Maskey M, Twilley R, McAnnaly B. A Collaborative Multidisciplinary Environment for Coastal Science. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. 2011 .
A. Harris T, Maskey M, Ramachandran R. Seamless online science workflow development and collaboration using IDL and ENVI Service Engine. In: AGU. AGU. San Francisco, CA: AGU; 2013.
Hawkins L, Ahmad A, Zissa D. Transfer of WYKO TOP02/3D Binary Data Files Using Serial Communications. 1996 Center of Applied Optics Research Report published by the University of Alabama in Huntsville; 1996.
He M, Blakslee R, Goodman M. The Waypoint Planning Tool: Real Time Flight Planning for Airborne Science. In: American Geophysical Union. American Geophysical Union. San Francisco, CA; 2010.
He Y, Graves SJ, Blakeslee R, Goodman M. The Real Time Mission Monitor: A Platform for Real Time Environmental Data Integration and Display during NASA Field Campaigns. In: Joint Assembly of the American Geophysical Union. Joint Assembly of the American Geophysical Union. Fort Lauderdale, FL; 2008.
He Y, Ramachandran R, Li X, Rushing J, Conover H, Graves SJ, Lyatsky W, Tan A, Germany G. Framework for Mining and Analysis of Space Science Data. SIAM International Conference on Data Mining (2003). 2003 .
He Y, Ramachandran R, Nair US, Keiser K, Conover H, Graves SJ. Earth Science Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Framework. SIAM International Conference on Data Mining. 2002 .
He M, Ramachandran R, Li X, Graves S, Lystsky W, Tan A, Germany G. An Interoperable Framework for Mining and Analysis of Space Science Data (F-MASS). Eos, Transactions, AGU. 2002 ;83.
Hinke T, Rushing J, Kansal S, Graves SJ, Ranganath HS. For Scientific Data Discovery: Why Can't the Archive be More Like the Web. Ninth International Conference on Scientific Database Management,. 1997 .
Hinke T, Newman T. A Taxonomy for Integrating Data Mining and Visualization. KDD-VIS97 Workshop Book for Workshop on Issues in the Integration of Data Mining and Data Visualization (book in press). 1997 .
Hinke T, Novotny J. Data Mining on NASA's Information Power Grid. The Ninth IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing. 2000 .
Hinke T, Delugach HS, Chandrasekhar A. A Fast Algorithm for Detecting Second Paths in Database Inference Analysis. Journal of Computer Security. 1995 ;Vol. 3:pp. 147-168.
Hinke T, Rushing J, Ranganath HS, Graves SJ. Techniques and Experience in Mining Remotely Sensed Satellite Data. Artificial Intelligence Review: Issues on the Application of Data Mining. 2000 ;14:pp 503-531.
Hinke T. Modeling Trusted Processing Architectures. Journal of Computing and Information Technology. 1995 ;Vol. 3:pp. 67-82.
Hinke T, Rushing J, Kansal S, Graves SJ, Ranganath HS, Criswell E. Eureka Phenomena Discovery and Phenomena Mining System. American Meteorological Society (AMS) 13th International Conference on Interactive Information and Processing Systems (IIPS) for Meteorology, Oceanography and Hydrology. 1997 .
Hinke T, Rushing J, Ranganath HS, Graves SJ. Target-Independent Mining for Scientific Data: Capturing Transients and Trends for Phenomena Mining. Third International Conference on Data Mining (KDD-97). 1997 .
House D, Tiller J, Rushing J. Suborbital Strike! The Use of Commercial Suborbital Spacecraft for Strike Missions. USAF Air and Space Power Journal [Internet]. 2016 ;30(4). Available from:
House D. Suborbital Strike! The Use of Commercial Suborbital Spacecraft for Strike Missions Tiller J, Rushing J. USAF Air and Space Power Journal. 2016 ;30(4).
Hoy H, Alexander S, Maskey M. Technology for the Transplant Professional: Making it work for you instead of against you. In: NATCO Symposium for Advanced Transplant Professionals. NATCO Symposium for Advanced Transplant Professionals. Miami, FL; 2012.
Hoy H, Maskey M. Development of a Web-Based Mobile Technology Application for Healthcare Providers in Transplant Care. In: UA System Scholars Institute. UA System Scholars Institute. Birmingham, AL; 2012.
Imsand E. DFARS Cyber Rule De-mystified. National Cyber Summit, Huntsville, AL. 2018 .
Irwin D, Sever T, Hardin D, Graves SJ. SIAM-SERVIR: An Environmental Monitoring Decision Support System for Mesoamerica. In: Monitoring Science and Technology Symposium: Unifying Knowledge for Sustainability in the Western Hemisphere. Monitoring Science and Technology Symposium: Unifying Knowledge for Sustainability in the Western Hemisphere. ; 2004.
Jungwirth P. Security Tag Computation and Propagation in OSFA. In: Chan P, Imsand E, Badawy H SPIE Defense + Security Conference. SPIE Defense + Security Conference. Orlando, FL: SPIE Defense + Security Conference; 2018.
